TRPG Tips and Tricks

Signs It's Time to Quit Your Game

Signs It's Time to Quit Your Game - Roll With Advantage

Many of us have been there before. Picture this: You're gathered around the gaming table, dice in hand, ready for another thrilling session of your favourite tabletop game. But as the session progresses, you start to feel like something's not quite right. Instead of laughter and fun, you find yourself spending most of the time zoning out, frustrated, angry, or bored. Whatever the reason, it might be time to consider whether it's best to hang up your adventurer's hat and bid farewell to the campaign. In this blog post, we'll explore some signs that indicate it might be time to quit a tabletop role playing game (TRPG).

  1. It's No Longer Fun

This is perhaps the most obvious sign that it's time to move on: if you're no longer having fun. Many of us enjoy coming to the table for the social aspect and to spend time with our friends. But at the end of the day, TRPGs are still about enjoyment and escapism. If you find yourself dreading having to travel or log on, or find yourself dissociating for most of the session while others are having the time of their life, then consider whether the game is still bringing you joy. If you find yourself no longer having fun or worrying about how to get through a session, then it might be best to bow out gracefully. Remember, it's okay to prioritise your own happiness and well-being.

  1. Misaligned Play Styles or Expectations

Every group has its own unique play style, ranging from tactical combat-focused games to narrative-driven storytelling experiences. Not everyone finds planning out the perfect combat strategy thrilling, and others may become bored out of their minds when other players engage in lengthy monologues and role play scenes. Similarly, a game might be pitched as a fun high fantasy epic only to turn into a dark survival horror game down the track. If the group’s play style or the themes of the game don't align with your preferences, you may find yourself feeling frustrated or disengaged most of the time. Trying to force yourself to enjoy a play style that doesn't resonate with you is unlikely to lead to a fulfilling gaming experience.

  1. Conflict with Other Players or the DM

TRPGs are collaborative endeavours, and a positive and respectful group dynamic is essential for a successful game. If you find yourself butting heads with other players or the Dungeon Master (DM) on a regular basis, it can create tension and detract from the enjoyment of the game. It's important to address any conflicts openly and honestly, but sometimes, situations may not improve even with communication. A player’s bad habit that you find infuriating may just be perceived as a harmless quirk by others at the table. These annoyances and disagreements can fester and wear down even the most patient and understanding people over time. Instead of continuing to suffer, consider cutting your losses and whether it is best to simply leave the game.

  1. Lack of Engagement or Investment

If you find yourself constantly zoning out during sessions or struggling to stay engaged with the story, it could be a sign that the game isn't holding your interest. TRPGs thrive on player engagement and investment in the narrative, and shine when everyone is engaged and invested in each other’s storylines and successes. However, if you’re finding yourself bored and disconnected from the game world or the characters, and this isn’t something that can be fixed by a small change to your character or the game, then it may be a sign that it's time to move on. Other players notice when one person is particularly disengaged or doesn’t seem to pay attention, and your lack of interest may be bringing the whole experience down for everyone at the table.

  1. Real-Life Commitments or Priorities

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and sometimes real-life commitments or priorities take precedence over gaming. If you find yourself struggling to juggle work, school, family, or other obligations with your gaming schedule, it's okay to step back and prioritise your well-being. If you try to do too much with your time without letting yourself rest, then you are setting yourself up for burnout. Remember, gaming should enhance your life, not detract from it. Once things calm down, you can always ask to rejoin or find a new table to start an adventure with.

  1. Burnout or Fatigue

Even the most passionate gamers can experience burnout or fatigue from time to time. If you're feeling overwhelmed or exhausted by the demands of the game, it's important to listen to your body and mind and take a break if necessary. This might happen if you have spent too long with a single campaign or system, or perhaps are trying to play too many games at the same time. Stepping away from the game temporarily can help you recharge and come back feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. Consider exploring your other hobbies, or perhaps a try a different TRPG system you’ve never played before, to help keep things fresh and mitigate burnout.

  1. Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, the decision to quit a tabletop game is a personal one, and only you can determine what's best for you. Trust your instincts and listen to your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. Your happiness and well-being are worth prioritising.

Knowing when to quit a game is all about recognising the signs that indicate the game is no longer serving your needs or bringing you joy. Whether it's because the game isn't fun anymore, the play style doesn't align with your preferences, or real-life commitments are taking precedence, it's important to prioritise your own well-being and happiness. Remember, there are always new adventures waiting to be had, and quitting one game opens the door to new opportunities and experiences. So, trust your instincts, be honest with yourself and your fellow players, and don't be afraid to roll the dice and embark on a new adventure!

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