TRPG Tips and Tricks

Making Combat Fun Again

Making Combat Fun Again - Roll With Advantage

Combat is an integral part of tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs) like Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). As a dungeon master (DM), finding the right balance in combat encounters is essential to create engaging and challenging gameplay experiences for your players. In this blog post, we'll explore strategies and tips to help you achieve the perfect combat balance.

Know Your Party

Understanding the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of your player characters (PCs) is crucial for combat balance. As a DM, familiarise yourself with their abilities, classes, and playstyles. Consider their levels and optimise encounters accordingly. For a game like D&D, If your players have very high ACs, use spells and abilities that make them use their saving throws. If your caster has many powerful spells, introduce something once in a while that is magic resistant or has counterspell. Tailor encounters to challenge their abilities, but remember to allow them to shine in their respective roles. 

Vary the Encounter Types

Combat encounters shouldn't always follow the same formula. Incorporate a mix of encounters, and consider having battles against hordes of weaker foes, challenging boss fights, environmental hazards, or traps that require combat-related solutions. By diversifying encounter types, you keep combat fresh, engaging, and prevent it from becoming repetitive.

Emphasise Narrative and Role-playing

Remember that combat is just one aspect of the game. Encourage your players to think creatively, interact with the environment, and incorporate role-playing elements into combat encounters. Describe the action vividly, have enemies react to player actions, and give significance to character decisions. If a player sets something on fire, have an enemy panic and try to put it out. Instead of simply stating ‘the enemy attacks you with his sword’, try something more evocative like ‘the bandit slashes at you with a scream’. This helps combat feel more immersive and contributes to a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Adjust Encounter Difficulty

Balancing encounters involves finding the sweet spot between challenging and overwhelming. Be prepared to adjust encounter difficulty on the fly based on how the battle unfolds. If an encounter is too easy, you can add enemies, boost the monster’s hp, or have decisions become more tactical. Perhaps now the monster now has maximum hp instead of the average. Or perhaps one enemy runs off to warn others and bring reinforcements. 

Conversely, if it becomes too challenging, consider adjusting enemy abilities or providing opportunities for strategic advantages to the players. Perhaps a regular ability now needs to be recharged to be used, or the players wind up with help of their own. Keep an eye on player resources and hp, as well as how much damage your creatures are capable of doing. If everyone is shrugging off combat with nary a scratch, perhaps it’s time to up the difficulty. At the same time, if two or more players are going down each time, perhaps it’s time to dial things back a little.

Incorporate Non-Combat Elements

Combat doesn't always have to revolve around defeating enemies. Introduce non-combat elements such as social encounters, negotiation, or stealth missions to balance the game. Try having a timed element like a puzzle or a rescue that they must resolve within a specific number of rounds. This allows characters with non-combat-oriented skills to shine and keeps the gameplay experience varied and engaging for all players.

Seek Player Feedback

Regularly communicate with your players and seek their feedback on combat encounters. Ask about their enjoyment, challenges faced, and any suggestions they may have. It’s entirely possible you don’t need to change anything at all. This feedback loop will help you fine-tune encounters, tailor them to their preferences, and ensure everyone is having a great time.

Balancing combat encounters in a TRPG game like D&D requires careful consideration of party composition, encounter types, and player feedback. By using our tips above, you can create a well-balanced and exciting combat experience for your players. Remember, the goal is to create enjoyable and memorable moments that enhance the overall storytelling and gameplay experience. So, roll initiative, prepare your encounters, and embark on epic battles that will leave your players thrilled and engaged. Happy gaming!

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