TRPG Tips and Tricks

How to find a D&D Group

How to find a D&D Group - Roll With Advantage

D&D is a game of imagination. It's a game that requires you to be open to new experiences and new people, and it can really help you grow as a person. But sometimes it can be hard to find others who share your interests in gaming. If you're an introvert or don't want to spend hours at a time socialising with strangers, then finding a group might seem impossible—but we're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be!

If you haven't played before, you might be wondering how to find a group of people who are playing D&D near you. Here are some of our favourites:


Reddit is one of the best places to find people who want to get together for D&D sessions. Reddit is full of D&D groups that range from casual hangouts with friends (or strangers) to more serious groups that play together regularly. There are also several forums for finding local groups in your area.

You can also check out Roll20 or Twitch if you're looking for online play groups. Roll20 is a virtual tabletop that lets you play any tabletop game with friends online. It's free for everyone and has a huge community of players who are always happy to help newbies get started. Twitch streamers often hold "hangouts" where they play games with viewers or host Discord servers where you can find likeminded people; this is another great way to make connections with other gamers!

In Person

If you want to meet real life friends who love gaming as much as you do, try going to your friendly local game store (FLGS) or even a comic book shop. Ask around and see if anyone there plays D&D—they might even have their own campaign going on! Most FLGSs host regular events where people come together. You might also want to check out your local library for events or clubs where people can meet up. You can also attend a gaming convention like PAX or GenCon and look for people playing games there.

Convince Your Friends

If none of these options work out for you, don't despair! You can always convince your friends that they should give D&D a try by setting up an introductory session at home. We might be biased, but we think your friends will become quick converts.

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